Nominating Committee
Committee Charge
The Nominating Committee is responsible for compiling the slate of CREW Network president-elect and new board of directors nominees for approval by the council of delegates. The Nominating Committee will be chaired by the CREW Network immediate past president and includes the CREW Network president, president-elect, and five delegates or at-large members. Nominations for the delegates’ and at-large members' positions are solicited from the council of delegates. The board of directors recommends five delegates/at-large members from the nominations received and presents the candidates for review and approval by the council at the first Council Meeting of the year.
Serving on the Nominating Committee is an excellent way to increase your understanding of and exposure to CREW Network. Selecting the slate for the following year impacts the future of CREW Network and is both a great responsibility and a rewarding experience.
Committee Chair
Karen Whitt
Colliers International
Committee Members
Danielle Brown
CREW Cleveland
Farmers National Bank
Rathi Casey
CREW New Mexico
Homewise, Inc.
Courtney Janto
CREW Rochester
SteepRock Capital
Sandra Dee Taylor
CREW Dallas
SL Taylor Investments, LLC
Sarah Katherine Thorley
Jillian Fredericks
CREW France
Jen McDonald
CREW Tampa Bay
Merchant Insurance Solutions
Board Liaisons
Cindy MacMillan
CREW Vancouver
Grosvenor Americas
Leslie K. Teskey